Samsung Games’ EVERY GAME Platform 3rd AMA content sharing content sharing

5 min readNov 1, 2021


Samsung Games’ EVERY GAME Platform 3rd AMA content sharing

1. At what point on the roadmap will you say “The idea was a success”?

-. We plan to go into full service on March 24, 2022.

At this point, our content will be smoothly applied and used on the platform, so users will use it smoothly.

2. What is your project ‘marketing strategy’ ?? What will you do to make your project stand out against others in the crypto field and the people who come to explore your project?

-. Our main area is blockchain games. We will prepare and service from easy and fun games to hardcore games that game enthusiasts can enjoy.

Our goal is to popularize P2E, which is becoming an issue these days, and we will focus on influencing the platform by intensively marketing killer content for popularization.

And the NFT market will provide a platform where many users can easily access, issue and trade NFTs, and users will attract many content influencers. I am sure that users will also regularly visit and consume the platform where they can enjoy various contents.

I think this experience is the best marketing and the best marketing that can secure real users.

3. Honestly, I didn’t know this and I just found out about EGAME but will the EGAME token game all be beautiful in time?

-. Will it be beautiful? I like the expression.

Information about us can be found on the open virtual asset information disclosure portal Xangle.

And we are working hard to make the project more beautiful, so please give us a lot of interest.

4. Hi, hope you’re well. As a yooshi holder, I was wondering if the new partnership between yourself and the labs would there be a time in the future for everygame products and yooshi products maybe partnering with launches on the gamepad? Thanks for your time

-. Thank you for your interest with our partner YooShi.

With the goal of a blockchain platform, we have decided to cooperate to solve the same concerns and problems related to P2E and NFT.

We will work together for better service and will do our best for synergy.

5. Dear EVERY GAME (EGAME), My question in this AMA is about the gameplay of the game GOD BLADE. I am a gamer who has played a lot of MORPG games both online and offline: Final Fantasy XIV, World of Warcraft… In the introduction of GOD BLADE , I see you mentioned AI technology so that players can interact Working with NPCs and monsters, can you be more specific about this topic? Thank you EGAME for introducing and bringing us good and useful games :)

-. Thank you gamer.

The game includes solo play and co-op play.

In the case of the tanker Berserker, the basic character’s occupation group shows powerful and exciting action using a huge sword and axe. It crushes enemies one after another with great destructive power and wide attack range.

Archer Demon Hunter provides a light and colorful action that continuously attacks the enemy with agile, repeated attacks using a two-handed crossbow weapon.

The wizard Archon shows a spectacular action by focusing the elements on the ground into his weapon and using a powerful attack.

And the swordsman Knight shows the agility of slashing with two swords while moving across enemies with fast movement.

Various monsters want to play cooperatively such as boss battles or there are various event dungeons that can be played alone.

It will take time to apply content for various events such as occupation wars and P2E and esports, but we are doing our best to create content that exceeds the eye level of existing gamers and block chain gamers.

We look forward to your interest and comments.

6. How do you secure large-scale game users?

-. We think the most important thing for game users is to prepare a good game.

We are preparing a game that can provide you with comprehensive satisfaction such as graphics, operation, story, solo play, cooperative play, event and operation management, and we will serve users through our accumulated marketing and global partners.

7. I want to know the development progress of the NFT platform.

-. The NFT platform has been completed to enable payment using its own token.

We have a plan to move up the beta version to next week.

We plan to update Ethereum, Binance, Klaytn Chain, and games.

8. Egame is looking good, will the payment through it acceptable??

-. Thank you so much for taking a good look.

Getting users to pay for services is the homework of any service industry.

For this, a good product must be prepared, and additional satisfaction with this product must be provided.

To this end, we are preparing a platform to supply games and digital content for global users. And we are preparing content to satisfy users on this platform.

We are working hard to respond to the diverse needs of users and rapid market changes, and we are expecting positive payments in the market.

9. Q1) I’ve heard of NFT. What is XNFT? Please explain this in detail. Q2) How could we trade NFT? Is there going to be its own market or plan to use other NFT market platforms? Q3) How do you manage security enhancement to avoid hacking attacks? Q4) Usually, when starting a game, there are many initial costs such as purchasing tokens. What do players need to prepare in advance for the EVERY GAME game?

-. XNFT is our partner. XNFT are planning to conduct NFT of Audi, a global automobile company, and it is a project that has received a large investment from a global blockchain company.

We are preparing an NFT platform, supporting issuance and trading, and linking multiple platforms and chains of multiple technologies.

In preparation for hacking, we cooperated with SlowMist, a global blockchain auditing company, and we will conduct an audit of the platform and game we are preparing, and the blockchain content to be shared.

We are cooperating with blockchain technology companies for stable services, and we are thinking about various aspects for good service.

For P2E games for gameplay, you will probably need to have an NFT purchase. In the case of other blockchain payment games, you can enjoy the game immediately, and if necessary, you must purchase EGAME Token to make the payment.

10. Currently, the value of NFT coins is increasing as non-fungible coins, but in reality, it is a token that is used in platforms such as online markets, so it is not felt much. Those who know the coin know about the NFT coin, but it is unfamiliar to those who are not yet interested in the coin. So, EVERY GAME seems to need various approaches of its NFT.

-. We think that NFT will be used in more places in various fields in the future.

There are various parts that will be used in real life other than digital authentication outside of specific fields such as games, art, etc.

We will focus on games and various digital content.

We will create a more universal NFT market by providing coupons that are easy to access and use in our daily life and services for easy access by content creators and influencers.

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